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Saturday, July 22, 2017

have a look at this

have a look at this and see if it bring up anything that tell you our gov and google are trying to hide from us and why do they think that we cant handle the truth this better then a lie voice your opine and ask them what they think are getting a way with if you go to u tube and look for more on this and find out that some people that have told the truth and no longer around because of they have been shot or some kind ancient and the one that cause it have not been charge why not so have a look at this…/…
iam send this to Donal trump and hope he has a ancer to this and not just bull s
While scientists have invested energy and resources into discovering life on planets as far away as Mars, we have to ask ourselves why NASA has stopped…

Friday, May 5, 2017

have new thing tor you take look at this has a lot info to open one eyes

why  sedone is the most look at place on the earth if you want to know go here
the gov been trying  buy sedone ranch from the 1949 to this time  why and they now it  and wont let any one go in it 
the true story of a journalist's encounter with alien being
is bigfoot a telepathic alien entity

everyone should see this it might wake up some people there a lot going this world and the prof is out there 

Friday, January 13, 2017

Could Open Your Eyes

I Dont Know If You belive In U.F.O. Or Aliens But Here 3 Thing You Should See Could Open Your Eyes
Aliens Underground

The Dulce Wars Documentary

dulce book Part 1

dulce book Part 2