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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Are You Gonna Grow? Or Are You Gonna Die?

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B. Are You Gonna Grow? Or Are You Gonna Die? Will The New Winds In Internet Marketing Carry You To New Heights Of Profits Or Blow You Away?
By Marlon Sanders
Are You Gonna Grow Or Die?
There are new winds blowing in Internet marketing.
New things coming down the pike.
One of 'em blew me away with how powerful it is. And alsolike a deer in headlights scared me at what would happen ifI didn't jump on board.
It may change everything. A year from now won't look liketoday. A new Youtube will be born. But one at the next level.And it's an opportunity for you.
More profits may be made off of this than anything to date.Who knows?
Either way, you either grow. You adapt. Or you die. You shrink. You go away.
That's how business is. You embrace change. Or you get leftbehind.
I've seen both happen to marketers.
I've seen marketers who just gave it up. Who said, "I won'tchange." And I've seen others embrace change. I think of oneexample of a direct response/direct mail copywriter. Who insteadof being left behind by the web, embraced change. And now has awonderful new business to show for it.
There are new changes happening on the web in terms of video.You either embrace these changes or you get left behind. You alwayshave to be learning in this business.
Some of my friends believe (and perhaps rightly so) that you shouldnever use the word "learn" in a sales letter because it sounds likework. Personally, I often love learning. Not always, of course.
In your life, in your business, in your relationships, in yourhealth, in your marketing -- life asks you a simple question:
"Are you gonna grow? Or are you gonna die? What will it be?"
It's a law of nature. It's a law of life. Plants that can't adaptto changing seasons go away. Businesses that don't adapt go away.Products that don't change and morph go away.
Sometimes I make changes just to keep myself having the ability tochange. I bleached my hair for 2 months. Crazy? Maybe. Now,I'm back to normal. But it was a fun change.
In my business, I'm aggressively seeking out new ways to generatenew blood and new ways to generate leads.
It's grow or die, baby!
I'm looking at new ways to revamp my Milcer's program. Yeah, allyou Milcers. I haven't forgotten you. I just want to re-ramp withsomething you will love and embrace.
Grow or die, baby!
Change is scary. You don't know what new winds bring. There'salways a cost or price in terms of time and money to learn newthings.
And there's a cost to not learning. The cost to not learning isgoing away. So it's a steep price to pay.
I'm paying money to a consultant who has only been online for 2years! Yet, I'm learning from THEM! Why? Because in two yearsthey've done things on Adwords I haven't.
I could have ego. I could say, "I'm Marlon freakin' Sanders. I knowit all." Or I could be humble and learn.
Almost every day I buy ebooks for $5 and $10 by people who can'tbelieve Marlon Sanders is spending money with them. I dare say I dothis far more than any brand name teacher.
Why? It's grow or die, baby! You can learn from anyone who hasmore experience in a particular thing than you do. I don't knowit all. You can't know it all.
Actually, I love paying a guy or gal $10 for a 20-page whatever or10-page whatever if I learn something from it. To buy from someoneis to honor then.
I could email. I could get it for free. Instead, last year I paid$37,500 for that stuff. NOT for some elaborate high end coachingprogram, not that the investment wouldn't be worth it.
But for simple stuff. Looking for new ideas. Honoring others fortheir work and content. I never refund. Not even if it's bad. Why?Because I remember almost every refund I had to personally issue,which I haven't done in 6 or 7 years now.
But I can still remember names from 7 years ago. So I honor people.And I don't refund. I took every refund personally, even though you shouldn't.
Sometimes you have habits in your personal life or business thataren't working anymore and you need to change 'em.
Grow or die, baby!
It's nature. It's changing seasons. It's survival of the fittest.Those with the ability to adapt survive. All the rest go away.
Some people feel that one ebook should do it all. I sold what Ibelieve is a really great $97 course on Tinu's Evergreen TrafficSystem.
But I can't teach everything in one ebook. There's more to learn.Is learning a chore? Or do you embrace and enjoy it?
If you aren't always learning something new, you're on your wayto NOT adapting. Which means you're not surviving.
There are new things coming in the area of online video. Theycould literally change the Internet. So a year from now, it doesn'tlook like today.
Personally, I'm kinda content and happy with the text-based Internet.And text will always be a part. But the winds of change blow wherethey will.
And you bend, adapt and grow.
Or you give way to the next person who does.
Money doesn't care. Money flows to those who meet demand. Demandis created by opportunity. Opportunity is created by change.
So you wanna change that job? Change your life? Change yourincome?
Are you gonna learn? Are you gonna grow? Or are you gonna standstill?
I don't understand the people who want one ebook or course to doit all. The truth is, it all will never get done. Just the momentyou figure it out, the game changes.
That's the law of life, baby!
I've been using Twitter and Facebook some. I've been trying to getour blog into shape. I'm going on Adwords. I even submitted anarticle which I haven't done in years.
Grow or die, baby!
I'm gonna do a video thing in a week or two. Grow or die. I'mgonna launch a new vision for Milcers. I haven't forgotten.
Some day, I think you get tired of changing, learning and adapting.I think that's the day you go on to life's next great adventure.
I had a friend in this business. A mentor, actually.
One day a change called the Internet came along. He couldn't adaptto it. He just didn't wanna learn it.
He threw away his archives and swipe file. He cleaned out his booksand garage. He decided that today was the day he would no longerdo it anymore.
I'm not ready for that?
Are you?
Marlon Sanders
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